Colombia Finca Buenavista - Anaerobic

Colombia Finca Buenavista - Anaerobic

from $8.25

Jesus Barahona has owned Buenavista Farm for 10 years. The farm, a family inheritance, employs around 8 people and is known for its high-quality coffee. This quality is due to the unique climatic conditions and meticulous processing methods used. All steps of the coffee production, including washing, fermentation, and drying, are performed on the farm. For this particular lot, a natural processing method is used, with cherries undergoing anaerobic fermentation in transparent bags for 80-100 hours, followed by patio drying for 10-15 days. The harvest season runs from May to June. Additionally, the farm experiments with various processing techniques, such as extended anaerobic fermentation, to enhance the unique flavors of their coffee. 

The Caturra variety descends from the Bourbon variety (pronounced 'burr-bone') which is a well know variety in specialty coffee. Caturra has a higher yield but slightly less cup complexity. Caturra is a smaller plant that produces more fruit than other coffee variety's.

Processing: Anaerobic Natural

Drying method: Raised Beds

Cultivar detail: Caturra

Elevation: 1800M

Cupping Notes: Watermelon, Pineapple, Jasmine, Peach, Winey, Dark Chocolate

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